Automate EC2 Instance Launch using Github Actions

2 min readJul 7, 2023


Introduction As companies shift to the cloud, infrastructure automation becomes more critical. A tedious task like launching an EC2 instance can consume valuable time. Github Actions is a great way to automate simple or complex workflows. In this post, we’ll guide you on how to automate EC2 instance launch using Github Actions.

Steps for Automating EC2 Instance Launch using GitHub Actions:

1. Create a GitHub repo that contains the necessary files for the EC2 instance launch.
2. Generate an Amazon Web Services (AWS) access key, secret key, and security token with the necessary permissions.
3. Create secrets for GitHub that can securely hold your AWS access key, secret key, and security token.
4. Add GitHub Actions workflow for AWS EC2 Launch in the repo.
5. Test your automation by pushing your code and verifying that your EC2 instance launches.

Infrastructure Automation is critical for companies moving to the cloud. Try EC2 instance launch automation using Github Actions and see how it can save you a lot of time and effort. Share your experience in the comments section below!

One of the biggest challenges that companies face when moving to the cloud is managing their infrastructure efficiently. With Infrastructure Automation, companies can streamline their processes by automating mundane tasks such as instance launches. Using Github Actions for EC2 instance launch automation is a powerful tool that can help save valuable time and effort. By implementing this solution, companies can reduce the risk of human error and focus on more important tasks. Have you tried using Github Actions for infrastructure automation? Share your experience in the comments section below and let’s start a conversation on how we can optimize our cloud infrastructure even further.

